Spring has Sprung

Spring has Sprung

Spring has finally arrived.

Vibrant colours, the smell of blooming bush flowers and a hint of warmer weather it certainly puts a spring in my step.

A feeling of excitement rushes through me when spring reaches us, seeing all the birds getting busy and the fledglings leaving the nest. Not long and we will be hearing the calls of the Channel-billed cuckoos arrival - not the most pleasant sound but to me it means summer isn't far away.

Nature always amazes me and I'm quite the twitcher if you didn't know.

As the weather warms up this is by far my most favourite time of year, it brings us closer to summer and swimming season. It also delivers those dramatic powerful thunderstorms.

I have so many memories as a child after beautiful hot sunny days spent at the beach or at school and then making it home just before the storm hits. We would be watching through the windows or from the back verandah. The powerful wind and rain wildly shaking the trees, big flashes of lightening and feeling the vibrations from the huge cracks of thunder. 

Once the storms passed my brothers and I would run out onto the grass collecting hail so we could eat it. We'd swim in the pool because it always felt warmer after the rain and we would lay our beach towels down on the hot wet ground to enjoy the feeling of the steaming heat all over our bodies.


Today the 1st of September 

It was a beautiful spring morning, I woke up on the boat and looked out the windows, it was sparkling with sunshine, warmth in the air and it felt promising. Pretty soon the wind changed and the rain came so I've been able to spend the morning reminiscing.


I hope reading this has triggered some happy memories for you and maybe if these are not things you did as a child you could do it this spring/summer.

Don't let age stop you, go out and dance in the rain, see the world through eyes of curiosity, always look for opportunities for fun and laughter & never stop being child like. 

Do what makes you happy & always be kind.


Ellie xx


I'll leave you with a quote that really resonates with me - 

"Whispering to trees, laughing with flowers, falling in love with sunsets, consulting the waters and worshiping the stars at night. One hand on her heart and one hand touching Mother Earth"  - Tanya Markul



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